Huis van de Toekomst in collaboraton with Urban Guides en GoTo BoTu Travel Agency presents:
What will the Bospolder Tussendijken district look like running on human power?
Start tour:
Huis van de Toekomst
Jan Kobellstraat 56a
3026 SV Rotterdam
Huis van de Toekomst, artist Melle Smets of Human Power, and the UrbanGuides will accompany you on a journey to take a fresh look, not only at the district, but also at the global energy transition challenge. To this end, Huis van de Toekomst developed the future scenario ‘BoTu on Human Power’. In this scenario, energy production relies as much as possible on locally available resources: human power and biomass, supplemented by wind power and solar energy. The guide will link this future scenario to the history of the district: the bathhouse, the soup kitchen, and the laundromat have been functioning without fossil fuels from the start! Be inspired by a glance at the future of this community.
The tour takes about 1.5 hours. Lunch is included.
Tickets (10 euro) will be available soon.
The tour includes an introduction about seven generations of neighborhood residents. The IABR Commons Collective BoTu* wants to engage neighborhood residents in a conversation about the sustainability of shared natural resources such as water, air and energy, and in doing so draws on the governance principles of the Haudenosaunee (theirs is the oldest participatory democracy in the world).
The IABR Commons Collective BoTu consists of residents and local initiatives rooted in Bospolder. Together they use the energy transition as a lever to work on local resilience and ownership in different areas and domains. Parallel to and in collaboration with IABR 2022 IT’S ABOUT TIME, they program several meetings, tours and events, putting theory into practice and testing it.
This fall, BoTu will host three tours highlighting, successively, the perspective of the Ancestor, the Activist and the Accelerator. This first tour shows the perspective of the Activist and looks ahead to the second tour, which shows the perspective of the Ancestor and will take place in mid-October including a Minga (activity) organized by the Veerkrachthuis. The third tour will take place in late October, early November; it will show the perspective of the Accelerator and focus on the installation of the second collective solar roof of the Delfshaven Energy Cooperative.
The IABR Commons Collectief BoTu consists of:
Carolina Castro & Ximena Davalos (Veerkrachthuis/Bollenpandje)
Melle Smets, Moni Siegfried, Klaas Burger & Bart Groenewegen (Huis van de Toekomst)
Robert de Vrieze (Delfshaven Energie Coöperatie, Energiewijk BoTu, Delfshaven Coöperatie)
Thamar Kemperman (Energy Performance BoTu)
Zico Lopes (Spatial Codes)