In collaboration with the editors and architectural researchers Negar Sanaan Bensi and Paul Cournet of DATAPOLIS, IABR will look into the implications of data for the architectural design disciplines. In the DATAPOLIS studio, the physical and spatial aspects of data, its effect on the environment, and its relevance to architectural research and design are explored. From smart city to systemic bias, from optimisation and connectivity to extractive resources, during this event the IABR will bring together different angles related to data and technology. What is the relevance of data to architectural research and design? What challenges and opportunities does digitalization pose on the (built) environment and society? How will data change the city, society and environment around us?
Negar Sanaan Bensi, Paul Cournet (Datapolis), Paul Swagerman (photographer), Gökçe Önal (TU Delft), Marina Otero Verzier (Design Academy Eindhoven) and others.
Moderation: Saskia van Stein (director IABR).
Wednesday, October 26
7:00 - 8:30 pm., doors open from 18.30
Language: English
Admission: free, reserve your spot here
Location: Keilezaal, Keilestraat 9, Rotterdam