Bollenpandje and the Veerkrachthuis are organizing a series of Mingas in the Bospolder-Tussendijken district in collaboration with Rotterdam Circular & the IABR Commons Collective BoTu.
During these mingas in Park 1943 you are invited to bake sourdough bread together with neighborhood residents. Help build the Oven of the Future, which converts old bread into new energy and which uses its heat for multiple purposes. Here, stories are shared around the campfire and there are activities for children. The aim is to build a healthy and sustainable future with the neighborhood and to create a new story for the community.
Minga is an ancient tradition of the indigenous cultures of America. It is a form of collective work to achieve common goals and to consolidate relationships among community members.
Dates: October 15, November 12 and November 26
Time: 11.30 a.m. – 3.30 p.m.
Location: Park 1943, Grote Visserijstraat, Rotterdam
Admission: free